Extradition risks in the spotlight

In principle, there can be no argument that someone who commits an offence in one country should be able to avoid justice by fleeing to another. Generally, it is likely to be in the interests of justice for the trial to take place in the country where the crime was committed. Provided that fundamental human rights are guaranteed, that there is a fair trial and that the offence is not motivated by political, racial or other improper considerations, the offender ought to be returned to face justice. Extradition reform over the past 25 years has sought to put such principles into effect, culminating in the Extradition Act 2003 (the 2003 Act). Continue reading “Extradition risks in the spotlight”

Carrying outcross-border mergers in central, eastern and south-eastern Europe

After advising a client on merging a group of companies across several countries, we realised there was a need for a firm-wide effort to research and compile a guide on how to successfully carry out multijurisdictional mergers. The project focused on the 12 countries in central, eastern and south-eastern Europe (CEE and SEE) where Wolf Theiss has offices. The effort resulted in the publication last autumn of Cross-Border Mergers in CEE/SEE: Practioner’s Guide (LexisNexis 2009). Continue reading “Carrying outcross-border mergers in central, eastern and south-eastern Europe”

Jurisdiction clauses: clear and precise incorporation is needed

In a contractual dispute (or indeed any dispute), involving at least one party domiciled in an EU member state, the choice of jurisdiction will be governed by Brussels II (Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001). This regulation sets out when the courts of a member state should have jurisdiction. It also allows the parties to opt out of the regime and agree their own jurisdiction provisions, provided that the jurisdiction clause satisfies certain formal requirements contained in Article 23. As a minimum, the clause must be in writing or evidenced in writing. Continue reading “Jurisdiction clauses: clear and precise incorporation is needed”

Practical tips for compliance with anti-corruption legislation

Any company conducting business abroad is exposed to the potential application of anti-corruption legislation. In fact, in a recent survey of business executives, 63% of respondents indicated they had encountered some form of actual or attempted corruption. Increasingly, authorities have devoted significant resources to the enforcement of anti-corruption measures. This enhanced enforcement trend is reflected in the significant penalties that have been imposed on several companies over the past several years, including fines in the millions of dollars in addition to significant reputational and business losses. Continue reading “Practical tips for compliance with anti-corruption legislation”

Legislative advice for establishing LLCs and JVs

Foreign corporate ownership in the UAE presents an interesting opportunity for entities, whether they are corporate bodies or individuals, seeking to establish a foothold in the Middle East. There are a myriad of corporate vehicles available, with a structure to suit the majority of potential commercial goals.

This article aims to provide a brief overview of some of the most widely used entities and also the salient commercial realities that are applicable when evaluating whether to take the plunge into the UAE marketplace.

legal background

Company formation in the UAE is governed by the provisions of the Commercial Companies Law (CCL), which was introduced by Federal Law No 8 of 1984 (as amended). The guiding tenant of the CCL is to provide a solid, cohesive legislative framework under which commercial entities can be created and administered. The CCL has many similarities to its Egyptian counterpart, which in turn draws considerably from civil companies legislation found in European civil law jurisdictions.

The CCL provides the UAE with one of the most attractive corporate environments through which to formalise business relationships in the Middle East. There are, however, several legislative and regulatory considerations that must be taken into account when establishing a presence in the UAE.

Seven distinct commercial entities are recognised under the CCL, each possessing certain unique characteristics. The seven entities are:

  1. general partnerships;
  2. limited partnerships;
  3. joint ventures (JV);
  4. public joint stock companies;
  5. private joint stock companies;
  6. limited liability companies (LLC); and
  7. partnerships limited by shares.

Some of these entities are not suitable or attractive to non-UAE nationals or entities wishing to transact business in the UAE. This article therefore focuses on the relevant merits and key considerations for a foreign entity establishing an LLC or those embarking on a JV.

As an over-reaching principle it must be recognised that all of these entities require varying levels of ownership and/or participation by UAE nationals, or an entity wholly owned by UAE nationals. The required level of ownership and participation is currently a topical issue in the UAE, as the continuing global economic downturn necessitates enhanced commercial competitiveness and flexibility. Attracting foreign direct investment is of paramount importance to ensure future success. Although reform has been ongoing for several years, the current financial situation has led many commentators to opine on the possibility that restrictions on foreign ownership within the UAE may very soon be widely liberalised and reformed in an effort to attract greater levels of investment. However, at the time of writing, no specific time frame has been set out for such advances.

Another consideration that will apply, regardless of the type of entity chosen, will be the need for a license, which must be obtained from the relevant Department of Economic Development of the emirate in which it intends to transact business. This licence will entitle the holder to carry out a specified commercial or trading activity. Many different forms of licence are available, and careful consideration and correspondence with the relevant government department is required to ensure that the licence obtained is sufficient to allow the holder to carry out the business for which it has been set up.

In this author’s experience the LLC and JV companies offer foreign investors a relatively higher degree of autonomy and security when carrying on business in the UAE.


Guidance for entrants

When incorporating an LLC the most pressing and delicate issue for foreign entities is the requirement that a UAE national or a corporate entity wholly owned by UAE nationals must hold 51% of the share capital of the company. Although this requirement can be daunting and difficult for investors to swallow when dipping their commercial toe in the water for the first time, the practical effects can be mitigated through the use of certain legislative mechanisms. For example, profits do not necessarily need to be distributed pro rata to each shareholder’s relative shareholdings. The legislation provides scope for the distribution of profits to be detailed through the Memorandum of Association, ensuring that the interests of the non-UAE shareholder are facilitated. Prospective entrants should, however, note that in practice authorities are reticent to register an LLC that allocates less than 20% of the profits generated to the local UAE shareholder.

Additionally, control of the LLC can be vested in managers (read directors), of which there must be at least one but not more than five. The appointment and powers of a manager can also be specified pursuant to the Memorandum of Association. There is no restriction on the nationality of a manager, and they can be given an unfettered ability to operate and conduct the affairs of the LLC.

Changes in legislation

Recent amendments to the CCL have done away with the requirement for a set minimum amount of share capital in an LLC. The amount of share capital can now be set by the shareholders on a case-by-case basis, provided that the amount of share capital is sufficient to enable the LLC to carry out the objectives for which it has been incorporated.

This requirement, however, cannot be viewed in isolation. To do so would deny the existence of certain commercial realities. It is worth making reference at this point to the licencing requirements of the individual emirates as mentioned above. Currently, to obtain certain licences, a minimum share capital is required. Specifically, and by way of example, the Department of Economic Development in Dubai requires LLC’s seeking a licence for investment activities to have a minimum share capital of AED3m (circa £540,000) before it will issue a license. It is therefore important that detailed research is carried out to establish whether any specific requirements have been put in place by the individual licencing agencies before deciding on the amount of share capital for an LLC.

A minimum value per share of AED1,000 (circa £180) is required by most economic departments to affect registration, although the legislation no longer sets a minimum value. It is also necessary to appoint a UAE-accredited auditor to the LLC. Under the legislation there must be a minimum of two shareholders and a maximum of fifty. The liability of the shareholders will be limited to the amount unpaid on their share capital.

Validity of side agreements

Foreign investors have been known to circumvent the legislative requirements relating to UAE ownership by entering into contractual arrangements known as ‘side agreements’. These side agreements endeavor to vest the beneficial ownership of the shareholding, as well as profit entitlements of the local UAE party in the foreign shareholder. Although the validity of such agreements has been acknowledged by the UAE judiciary, available jurisprudence suggests that the existence of any such side agreement in contravention of the legislation will result in an order for the disillusion of the LLC.

It would be remiss at this juncture not to refer to the so-called anti-fronting legislation, which was introduced under Federal Law No 17 of 2004 (combating of commercial concealment) and was intended to be effective from 2007. Essentially, the anti-fronting legislation aims to deal specifically with, and outlaw the practice of, entering into side agreements that attempt to circumvent the legislation. Specific penalties are contained in the legislation, ranging from monetary fines to incarceration. To date, however, it remains unclear as to whether or not this anti-fronting legislation has in fact been enacted, and, ultimately, the current position regarding its applicability and enforcement remains unclear.


Another option

Under the CCL, JVs receive a specific mention as a recognised corporate entity. This definition is misleading because the legislation actually aims to govern the relationship that exists under JV agreements. A JV agreement is a contractual marriage between two or more parties that aims to formalise the terms of a commercial relationship and is not a corporate entity. In the UAE, however, certain specific legislative provisions apply to entities pursuing such an arrangement. The CCL specifically prescribes certain legislative rules that govern the relationship between the parties of a JV.

The legislation provides the foreign party with an enhanced level of comfort when entering such agreements. This type of agreement has been particularly attractive to companies wishing to carry out project-based work in the UAE, and in the past, such agreements have been widely utilised by foreign construction and engineering entities wishing to benefit from the opportunities available in the UAE.

Articles 56-63 of the CCL deal specifically with the legislative provisions governing JVs in the UAE. The JV will be carried out in the name of one or more of the parties to the JV, while the existence of the other parties will remain undisclosed to third parties contracting with the JV.

The legislation stipulates that the JV agreement will:

  • govern the relationship between the parties;
  • govern the respective distributions of profits;
  • govern the distribution of losses that may occur between the parties; and
  • govern the various rights and obligations of the individual parties to the JV.

In addition to the above, one of the most important factors prescribed for under the legislation relates to the liability of the parties to the JV when dealing with third parties. Third parties will only have recourse against the party to the JV who they have dealt with and who gave rise to the liability in question. The provisions of the CCL have been interpreted to mean that third parties will not have recourse to the JV as an entity or the other parties to the JV agreement, except for limited instances where the JV holds itself out as a contracting party capable of entering into contractual relationships. The legislation also specifically affords the parties to a JV access to the books and accounts relating to the business of the JV.

Certain commercial contracts and the formation documents of all companies in the UAE must be registered in the state-maintained commercial register. However, the legislation specifically exempts JV agreements covered under Articles 56-63 from registration, thereby providing the parties with an added level of confidentiality in their dealings.

Essential tips

When entering into a JV agreement with a UAE national or local corporate entity, a foreign party should seek expert legal advice to ensure that the licence of the UAE national or entity is sufficient to successfully achieve the objectives for which the JV has been created. This is extremely important because, as mentioned, the recipient of a licence can only carry out the specific objectives detailed in the licence.

Essentially, the purpose of specific legislative provisions relating to JVs aims to accommodate and encourage such relationships between foreign and UAE entities by limiting the liability, legislative requirements and exposure of the parties to the JV.


The exponential increase and movement of capital experienced by the UAE in the past decades has resulted in an astounding level of growth, precipitating a rise in corresponding commercial activity. As a consequence of this, many foreign entities have successfully navigated the challenges of setting up and doing business in the UAE. Despite continued efforts to update legislation in tandem with the commercial realities, there can be no doubt that legislative reform needs to continue. To this end, a new CCL is currently in draft form, which on its inception will undoubtedly further enhance the UAE’s reputation as a secure and efficient commercial center.

Four key developments in regulation shake-up

The past month has seen the publication of some dramatic proposals and legislation that will significantly affect environmental and energy-based businesses. This article is devoted to four of these key developments.

The first one of these is the new civil sanctions regime. It will increase the options available to regulators and will provide alternative sanctions to criminal prosecutions in relation to environmental offences. This may well be a precurser to a change in approach to UK regulation in general and may lead to wider enforcement.

The second is the much-heralded and talked about Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme (the CRC), which is a cap and trade emissions trading scheme that will apply to public and private organisations consuming a certain amount of electricity. The scheme is complex and there are registration requirements on the near horizon that businesses are having to deal with rapidly.

Finally, there are two interlinked and recent developments in the energy sector, namely the Feed-In Tariff Scheme (the FIT Scheme) and the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) financial support scheme. The driver behind the FIT Scheme is to promote small-scale, low-carbon electricity generation and it is designed to work alongside the Renewables Obligation. The RHI financial support scheme aims to motivate the generation of heat from renewable sources on all scales. Both measures are part of the government’s overarching renewable energy policy. These last two areas will be of interest to all energy users, individuals and suppliers.

Workplace mediation: an overlooked method of dispute resolution

Lord Justice Jackson, in his recent report on litigation costs (‘Review of Civil Litigation Costs: Final Report’), lamented the under-utilisation of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) – and especially mediation – in civil litigation. Increasingly, the cost-effectiveness of mediation as a tool for dispute resolution is being recognised by the government. The added benefit of workplace mediation is its unique ability to help parties surmount stress and anxiety to regain control of their identity at work. It really is a win/win situation for employers and their staff. Continue reading “Workplace mediation: an overlooked method of dispute resolution”

Damages and contracts in the UAE

In light of the recent economic developments in the gulf region and more specifically in the UAE, many disputes have stemmed out of contracts. To be in a position to claim damages under contracts (amongst other remedies offered by the UAE legal system) the claimant or the defendant should be more familiar with the contractual liability concept, the types of damages recognised under UAE law, the elements of contractual damages under UAE law and, in particular, the conditions required for contractual damages under UAE law. Continue reading “Damages and contracts in the UAE”