Substantive and procedural issues in asset purchases under Turkish law | Moroğlu Arseven

Legal Briefing

Transactions for the transfer of assets of commercial enterprises, and commercial enterprises in toto, have always been somewhat controversial under Turkish law. A threshold issue is whether, under applicable law, the divested asset(s) comprise the seller’s total enterprise. In this respect, it is important to start with the definition of an asset transfer under Turkish …

M&A in Brazil: the practical impact of the new Economic Freedom Act and the Coronavirus pandemic | Melcheds Advogados

Legal Briefing

On 20 September 2019, the Brazilian federal government, lead by the president Jair Messias Bolsonaro, enacted Law No 13,874/2019 (the Brazilian Economic Freedom Act), which was passed with the aim of (i) reducing day-to-day bureaucracy for Brazilian investors, (ii) establishing free market guarantees and (iii) providing greater legal certainty for Brazil’s business environment. As a …

Cybercrime: tackling the many faces of a growing threat | Brodies

Legal Briefing

2020 tested the resilience of organisations in ways that were unprecedented and, with further restrictions on movement imposed at the start of the new year, continued disruption seems inevitable for the foreseeable future. For many, continued homeworking – and the challenges that brings – is likely to be an everyday feature of life for some …