Arbitration under UAE law: towards a modern legal framework? | Baker & McKenzie Habib Al Mulla

Legal Briefing

The use of arbitration is, to a considerable extent, driven by the emergence of the UAE as the regional business hub of the Middle East. Given the cultural differences between the Middle East and the Western world, the best bet is to resolve disputes arising between parties from these two parts of the world by …

New era in UK financial services regulation | The In-House Lawyer

Legal Briefing

The current recession has brought about significant changes in the UK financial services sector, ranging from a hardening of the public’s attitude towards financial institutions to the partial nationalisation of two of the largest banks in the world (at a cost of billions of pounds). The UK’s first coalition government for 70 years is making …

Indemnity, contribution and the meaning of ‘subsidiary’ | Brodies

Legal Briefing

There have been two very interesting appeal court decisions recently arising out of the same incident of an engine room fire on board the vessel ‘MV Far Service’ (the vessel) in July 2002. The first stems from the Scots court proceedings raised by Farstad Supply AS (Farstad), the owners of the vessel against contractors Enviroco …

Partnership agreement: review of partner bankruptcy cases | Boekel

Legal Briefing

International structures as used by multinational companies may typically include limited partnerships or general partnerships. If the Netherlands is involved in international structures, the partnerships may be set up in such a way that they qualify as transparent for Dutch tax purposes. Further, partnerships could be used to manage the recognition of taxable income (for …

Reforming the law of defamation: an honest opinion | Schillings

Legal Briefing

There have been several recent cases and developments in the law of defamation that have affected the realm of permissible comment and opinion in publications, whether in the media or in a business context. In defamation law this is the defence of fair comment.