Araci v Fallon – are all bets off for American Cyanamid? | Macfarlanes

Legal Briefing

On Saturday 4 June 2011 the Court of Appeal granted a prohibitory injunction preventing Kieren Fallon, one of the best known flat-racing jockeys in the country, from racing in the most prestigious event of the flat-racing calendar, the Epsom Derby. This article discusses the Court of Appeal’s decision. It then goes on to consider the …

Resolution of domain name disputes in Vietnam | Rouse

Legal Briefing

With nearly one-third of the Vietnamese population online, the role of the internet in both domestic and international commerce has grown substantially in recent years. According to The Economist, one-quarter of Vietnamese enterprises has used the internet to receive and place orders, with 12% using internet marketplaces to trade goods.1 While trade names serve to …

Reinforcing the doctrine of severability | Amarchand Mangaldas

Legal Briefing

In SMS Tea Estates Pvt Ltd v M/s Chandmari Tea Co Pvt Ltd [2011], the Supreme Court addressed the following questions posed for its consideration: Whether an arbitration agreement contained in an unregistered (but compulsorily registrable under the Indian Registration Act 1908) instrument was valid and enforceable? Whether an arbitration agreement in an unregistered instrument …