On Saturday 4 June 2011 the Court of Appeal granted a prohibitory injunction preventing Kieren Fallon, one of the best known flat-racing jockeys in the country, from racing in the most prestigious event of the flat-racing calendar, the Epsom Derby. This article discusses the Court of Appeal’s decision. It then goes on to consider the …
With nearly one-third of the Vietnamese population online, the role of the internet in both domestic and international commerce has grown substantially in recent years. According to The Economist, one-quarter of Vietnamese enterprises has used the internet to receive and place orders, with 12% using internet marketplaces to trade goods.1 While trade names serve to …
It’s been a long time coming, but in April this year the Indian government brought its data privacy rules into line with European requirements. The recent changes raise a couple of questions for UK businesses: How do they affect transfers of personal data to group companies or suppliers based in India? Will they impact the …
Data is increasingly central to many, if not most, sectors: businesses are focusing as never before on protecting and exploiting their own data, and getting access to others’ data that they need on the best terms. This increases pressure in the market place between the data customer/ buyer and the data vendor, and these pressures …
In SMS Tea Estates Pvt Ltd v M/s Chandmari Tea Co Pvt Ltd [2011], the Supreme Court addressed the following questions posed for its consideration: Whether an arbitration agreement contained in an unregistered (but compulsorily registrable under the Indian Registration Act 1908) instrument was valid and enforceable? Whether an arbitration agreement in an unregistered instrument …