Data is increasingly central to many, if not most, sectors: businesses are focusing as never before on protecting and exploiting their own data, and getting access to others’ data that they need on the best terms. This increases pressure in the market place between the data customer/ buyer and the data vendor, and these pressures …
In SMS Tea Estates Pvt Ltd v M/s Chandmari Tea Co Pvt Ltd [2011], the Supreme Court addressed the following questions posed for its consideration: Whether an arbitration agreement contained in an unregistered (but compulsorily registrable under the Indian Registration Act 1908) instrument was valid and enforceable? Whether an arbitration agreement in an unregistered instrument …
What are you usually doing on a Monday morning? Imagine it is 8am next Monday and you receive a frantic call from your company’s MD telling you there are a number of people in his office, going through his papers. Ten minutes ago, they arrived unannounced at reception and produced a document to your receptionist. …
The government continues to look at ways of reducing net migration to tens of thousands per annum rather than the hundreds of thousands that have been admitted annually over the last decade. Having removed the highly skilled route under Tier 1 (General) and imposed a rigorous system of caps and quotas to sponsored migration under …
Businesses and natural persons that trade with Libyan ‘designated persons’ in contravention of the recent targeted economic sanctions, could face prosecution and severe fines. This article focuses on how targeted sanctions have been imposed against Libya by the United Kingdom, United States, European Union and the United Nations, how they operate and what businesses, particularly …
Legislative drivers and market demands have transformed waste management from a disposal at the lowest price operation to a sophisticated global resource (materials/energy) trading organisation. The transition from disposal to resource recovery and reuse is not without its difficulties, but while the market continues to develop, legislation will continue to drive and encourage the transition …
The European public procurement market is enormous. Governments in the European Union (EU) and in non-EU member states in Europe will invest approximately €4trn in government contracts in 2011. This is also an intriguing market environment for investors outside of Europe, which, as of recently, include those from the United States particularly. Despite these opportunities, …
Investment activities between the UK and Germany are substantial. However, until recently, taxpayers resident in these two countries have been encumbered by a rather outdated regime dealing with the avoidance of double taxation. On 30 March 2010, Germany and the UK signed a new version of the Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and …
In the recent case of Destiny 1 Ltd v Lloyds TSB Bank plc [2011] the Court of Appeal was asked to consider whether Judge Richard Seymour QC was correct to reject a claim that a legally binding contract had been created where that agreement was one of many in a ‘contractual package’ and the negotiations …
There is some confusion among practitioners and even regulators with regards to a pledge over ‘commercial premises’ or ‘businesses’. It is important to clarify how a pledge over commercial premises can be legally applied under UAE law from a definition perspective and under basic civil law concepts.
In the current economic climate, perhaps more than ever before, cash is king. Companies supplying goods and services, their debt collection agents and solicitors on their behalf, are all intent on recovering overdue receivables as quickly and effectively as possible. With insolvency staring many debtors in the face, the creditor who is not fast is …
Licensing decisions by local authorities and regulatory bodies can have a very significant commercial impact for those entities and individuals that they affect. It is not surprising therefore that, depending upon the sector and context, appeals are common. This in turn gives rise to possible financial, and potentially reputational, risk for the decision-making bodies themselves. …