Proposals for regulating the sale of food, drink and tobacco | Brodies

Legal Briefing

Amid the coverage of the UK general election and its aftermath, the activities of the Scottish Parliament and Scottish government have dropped beneath the radar. Of course, this will only be a temporary absence, particularly since the Scottish media and political parties will soon have to switch their focus to next year’s Scottish Parliamentary elections. …

How to reorganise a business in the Netherlands | Boekel

Legal Briefing

The current economic situation has forced many companies to reduce costs. Such cost reductions can often only be effected by implementing important changes in the organisation (reorganisation), which most of the time leads to (collective) redundancies. To have a legally valid reorganisation in the Netherlands, there are several statutory requirements to comply with. This article …

Powering British Columbia’s future: the Clean Energy Act | Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP

Legal Briefing

On 28 April 2010 the British Columbia (BC) government introduced Bill 17, the Clean Energy Act (the Act), into the legislature for its first reading. The Act provides a foundation to assist the province in achieving its goals of electricity self-sufficiency, job creation and reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Act builds on the work …

Future of credit rating agencies: reform ahead? | Norton Rose Fulbright

Legal Briefing

Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) have recently been on the receiving end of increasingly close scrutiny by regulators as decision-makers on both sides of the Atlantic have asked serious questions of the role and structure of the established CRAs. The ongoing US Senate and New York Attorney General investigations into the financial crisis, together with recently …

Property litigation: breaking up is hard to do | Bond Dickinson LLP

Legal Briefing

In the current market, tenants increasingly seek to exercise break clauses of over-rented and unwanted properties, but in so doing have encountered resistance from landlords. Three recent High Court and Court of Appeal decisions underline the difficulties a tenant faces in attempting to effect a break clause in a commercial lease. This article will examine …

Third party rights: new law quickens procedures | Bond Dickinson LLP

Legal Briefing

The third party rights against insurers legislation allows a claimant to make a claim against a defendant’s insurers without having to issue court proceedings (and the term ‘defendant’ is used here to describe the party pursued by a claimant, whether or not proceedings have been issued). Furthermore, the rules apply as much where a defendant …

E-commerce regulation: a tangled web | Byrne Wallace

Legal Briefing

The internet promised a revolution in retailing. ‘One-click’ shopping was heralded as the ultimate in ease and comfort for savvy shoppers. While this remains largely true, increasingly the online retailing experience is characterised by a myriad of terms and conditions (T&Cs), privacy policies, order confirmation e-mails and delivery status notifications that need to be either …