Can we claim privilege? | Macfarlanes

Legal Briefing

‘But I thought it was privileged!’ is a protest that litigation lawyers are used to hearing. Disclosure exercises inevitably raise complex questions about what is and is not privileged: and whenever the more nuanced and difficult questions arise, it is clear that the legal position as to what is, in fact, privileged is rarely as …

The changing world of counterfeiting, part 1: strategies for the IP owner | Rouse

Legal Briefing

Ever since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008,
the world has been in a constant 
state of financial, social and political upheaval. The debt crisis has the European region on its knees; uprisings and unrest continue across the Middle East; China’s economy readies itself for a hard landing; the stagnant Japanese economy struggles under …

The contribution of the GATT system to the development of a rule-based dispute settlement mechanism in the WTO | Amarchand Mangaldas

Legal Briefing

The American Journal of International Law was founded by a group of publicists who believed that international law could abolish (or at least substantially diminish) the role of power in world affairs. But numerous articles in the journal focused on this relationship – how power constrains international law, how the powerful can harness international law …

Whistleblower or bounty hunter? The Dodd-Frank Act and its potential impact on the UK whistleblowing regime | Eversheds Sutherland

Legal Briefing

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 2010 (Dodd-Frank) passed through US Congress and became law on 21 July 2010. It has been a controversial piece of legislation. In particular, it has significantly enhanced the whistleblower protections afforded by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 (Sarbanes-Oxley). These changes to the whistleblower regime will affect not …