Scotland’s constitutional future: countdown to the referendum | Brodies

Legal Briefing

Those with an interest in the Scottish political and legal system will have been aware since the middle of last year that there would at some point in the life of the current Scottish Parliament be a referendum on the question of Scottish independence. The current Scottish National Party (SNP) administration achieved, against all odds …

Product liability trends: what to watch in 2012 | Shook, Hardy & Bacon

Legal Briefing

2012 began with news coverage of the PIP breast implants matter, throwing up an interesting mix of issues, including regulation of medical devices, the assessment of risk, criminal proceedings abroad, what constitutes a defective product and contract issues. There is already litigation underway in some jurisdictions, with perhaps more to follow. How these questions are …

A few highlights: distribution agreements under Dutch law | Boekel

Legal Briefing

A distribution agreement is an important legal instrument in the 
cross-border sale and distribution of all sorts of products (and related services). This article gives an overview of some of the legal issues relating to distribution agreements under Dutch law. The subjects discussed are especially useful to take into account when doing business with suppliers/manufacturers …

Harassment | Schillings

Legal Briefing

Imagine your company’s employees are the target of a campaign of activist intimidation, or members of your board are being subjected to aggressive door-stepping by the press. What could you do to protect them? What legal recourse would the victim or your company have?

Kohn artists? | Macfarlanes

Legal Briefing

The fallout from the collapse of 
Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme has generated both headlines and interesting legal issues. InMadoff Securities International Ltd v Raven & ors [2011], Flaux J considered a number of points of general interest. In particular, he provided important guidance on the extent to which claimants can use ‘anchor defendants’ to give …

The changing world of counterfeiting, part 2: strategies for the IP owner | Rouse

Legal Briefing

In the first part of this article, the authors looked at the trade in counterfeit goods in the context of the massive changes taking place in the world economy and suggested that China’s current pre-eminence as the major source of the world’s counterfeits might come under threat from other emerging ‘competitors’. In part two, they …

Court of Appeal denies rescission of transfer of land for breach of contract | Edwards Wildman Palmer UK LLP

Legal Briefing

The Court of Appeal was recently given the opportunity to consider the remedy of rescission in Howard-Jones v Tate [2011] and in doing so, stressed a distinction between the remedies that are available to an innocent party where there has been a repudiatory breach of contract, and those situations where rescission ab initio will be …