In Japan, in cases of privacy violation or defamation, personal information/privacy was once protected mainly by injunctions or claims for damages based on tort law. However, the situation changed dramatically with the enactment of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (the APPI) in 2005. When large-scale leakage of personal information occurs, a number …
How do you define a corporate crisis? According to Dan Tench, dispute resolution partner at CMS, this is where a business finds itself at the centre of a media storm in a way that overwhelms its management and its operations. ‘The defining characteristic of a crisis of this type is that the legal and operational …
Compliance programmes are firmly back in the global spotlight when it comes to cartel enforcement in 2019. In Europe, the Italian competition authority recently published guidance outlining what it perceives to be the key elements of an effective antitrust compliance programme and formalising a process for granting a reduction in cartel fines where the right …
Introductory Chapter Product Liability: An evolving legal landscape In a world of driverless cars, electronic devices with speech and facial recognition and household appliances which can be activated remotely from a mobile phone, whether the current (decades old) product liability laws are still fit for purpose is a current hot topic. Of …
By Sylvie Rodrigue Ad. E. and Grant Worden In Canada, the sale of pharmaceuticals and medical devices is regulated by Health Canada under the Food and Drug Act and Regulations and related legislation (Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act, SC 1997 c.6; Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, RSC 1985, c. C-38; Consumer Packaging and Labelling Regulations, …
Over the last three decades, government antitrust enforcers and private plaintiffs in the United States have increasingly sought to apply U.S. antitrust laws to conduct by foreign businesses that is deemed to have effects on the U.S. economy. Many of these foreign businesses have been located in Asia: since the 1990s there have been waves …
Introduction Global M&A, including cross-border M&A, had a strong 2018. Hiding below the surface of the data, however, are a number of disturbing trends that do not bode well for continuing strength in cross-border M&A. Perhaps the most significant trend is what has been referred to by some commentators as the “weaponization of global M&A”—the …
Download pdf version The rule of law, an independent judiciary and a trusted common law system, as well as a wealth of local and international legal expertise, ensure a comprehensive range of world-class legal services in Hong Kong, the best place in Asia for people and businesses to connect and excel.
There are a number of occasions when a company operating a share plan will need to exercise its discretion. On grant, a decision needs to be made as to who will receive an award, how many shares will be subject to it and what other conditions (such as those relating to vesting and performance) …
Real estate in Mexico involves several branches of the law. The enforcement of the law varies according to the branch responsible for the matter. Income tax, for example, is a federal tax, but, in general, real estate projects depend on the municipality or state where the development takes place.