With its population of just over 5.8 million, Denmark is home to powerhouses such as Mærsk, Carlsberg, Vestas and Novo Nordisk, and provides a welcome environment for arbitration – legislation and judgments are supportive, its legal approach bridges common and civil law, and the Danish Institute of Arbitration delivers a succinct and cost-effective means of …
The Taiwan government has been actively promoting fintech development and there have been several major developments recently. The primary regulator of the financial services industry, the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC), introduced the ‘regulatory sandbox’ in 2018 and several fintech experiments have been launched since. In June 2019, the FSC announced that it will regulate security …
Efforts to provide more protection and encouragement to whistleblowers in the UK have taken a significant step forward this year – a stark reminder that now is the time for businesses to review their own procedures and policies.
Cypriot domestic arbitration proceedings are regulated by Arbitration Law, Cap 4, whereas international commercial arbitration is governed by International Commercial Arbitration Law, Law no 101/1987.
Until recently, the lion’s share of follow-on claims in relation to large EU-wide cartels were brought in the English courts. The claimant is the one who decides where to bring the claim (subject to the chosen courts having jurisdiction) and the availability of broad disclosure and other aspects of English procedure have made England an …
In recent years, Norwegian courts have transitioned to near-full electronic communication between the parties and the courts. Court hearings are more and more often paperless, and the use of long-distance meetings and examinations by way of video link is increasing. In this article, we put the spotlight on another aspect of digitalisation that is currently …
George Wilkinson, secretary to the Ashfords Foundation, outlines the positive benefits to law firms of getting serious about their charity work I am frequently asked why Ashfords established a charitable foundation. Having explained the why and the how, almost invariably the next remark is: ‘Why didn’t we think of that?’
Basic principles of third-party funding Over the past 30 years, third-party dispute funding has experienced an exponential growth in civil and common law jurisdictions. As the common law doctrines of maintenance and champerty were softened or even abolished (most often in the context of international arbitration proceedings), third-party funding became a viable option for companies …
Court judgments and arbitral awards are enforced in Saudi Arabia in accordance with the new Enforcement Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/53, dated 13 Shaban 1433H (corresponding to 3 July 2012) (the Enforcement Law); and the Implementing Regulations for the Enforcement Law issued by Ministerial Resolution No. 9892 dated 17 Rabi Thani 1434H (corresponding …
A key distinction between US and non-US litigation is the liberal discovery available to parties in the United States. However, non-US litigants have a powerful tool that can provide the benefit of US discovery rules to obtain broad discovery for use in proceedings abroad. United States Statute 28 USC §1782 empowers a district court to …