Along with general development in society, the Swedish insurance market continuously develops. In recent years, new and more complex insurance products have emerged in order to meet the new demands of the increasingly sophisticated market. In this respect, the Swedish insurance market is greatly influenced and affected by the UK insurance market. New and creative …
With a population of almost 130m, a rich cultural history and diversity, and abundant natural resources, Mexico is among the 15 largest economies in the world and the second largest economy in Latin America. The Mexican economy is based on a free market, open to international trade and foreign investment. As one of the most …
Political situation: light at the end of the tunnel On 19 October 2020, Bolivia held a general election in which the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) won a landslide victory against opponents, with presidential candidate Luis Arce clasping victory in the first round.
The Dominican Republic (DR) is emerging as one of the frontrunning economies in Latin America for foreign investment. In fact, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has stated that DR has been the fastest-growing economy in Latin American and the Caribbean since 2010.
In recent years, Mexico has undergone a significant political, social and economic transformation. There are many drivers that have fuelled this transformation, including new government policies, the Covid-19 pandemic and the availability of new technology and big data. The insurance sector is not immune to this transformation, and is presented with important challenges but also …
The rollout of Covid-19 vaccines is continuing apace. The UK Government aspires to offer a first dose to all adults by the end of July 2021 and, with a third vaccine now being used in the UK, vaccination is becoming a closer prospect for many more of the working population.
2020 tested the resilience of organisations in ways that were unprecedented and, with further restrictions on movement imposed at the start of the new year, continued disruption seems inevitable for the foreseeable future. For many, continued homeworking – and the challenges that brings – is likely to be an everyday feature of life for some …
The risk of white-collar crime in the UAE is high, but authorities are increasingly proactive in taking steps to prevent, detect and prosecute crime and thereby to enhance the country’s profile as a safe investment destination.
We understand that it would be frustrating to get detained in China (or elsewhere indeed), but it doesn’t mean that you can do nothing about it – you still have the chance to not get formally arrested or prosecuted, or obtain a not-guilty verdict under the PRC criminal law regime. The key is to act …
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about significant challenges for many businesses, and a heightened risk of financial difficulty and insolvency. While the number of formal insolvencies has been relatively low thus far, troubled businesses may be forced to pursue accelerated asset disposals, or may themselves present an attractive investment opportunity for new equity stakeholders capable …