A Comparison Between EU Directive 95/46/EC and Data Protection Legislation in Turkey | ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law

Legal Briefing

Turkey’s newly enacted Law on Protection of Personal Data (DP Law) is based on EU Directive 95/46/EC (the Directive). Although the DP Law is mainly based on the Directive, it is not identical and it differs from the Directive in certain points. The main difference between the Directive and the DP Law is that Directive focuses …

The impact of Brexit on the passporting rights of banks, investment firms and other financial institutions | Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton

Legal Briefing

Close to five-and-a-half thousand British firms currently hold ‘passporting’ rights provided under various of the Single Market directives, which allow a financial services firm authorised in one European Economic Area (EEA) member state to provide certain regulated services (eg deposit-taking, lending, payment services, investment services) across the EEA without requiring separate authorisation in the other …

Top Ten Tips for Dilapidations | Brodies

Legal Briefing

If you rent commercial premises in Scotland then chances are you have accepted responsibility to keep them in good condition and repair throughout the lease, and to return them to the landlord in that condition at the end of the lease.

The continued importance of the seat: a look from the perspective of annulment proceedings | LALIVE

Legal Briefing

Arbitration is a ‘one-stop’ dispute settlement system. Arbitral awards are final in the sense that they are not subject to appeals or other usual remedies. This finality brings with it the advantage of efficiency, but carries the risk that if arbitrators make mistakes, the parties will have to live with them. In principle, there is …

Adult dependant relatives and the ‘impossible’ threshold | Magrath Sheldrick LLP

Legal Briefing

In July 2012, the UK government made significant changes to the adult dependant relative immigration route which previously fell for consideration under Immigration Rule 317. The new rules contained in Appendix FM significantly changed the criteria for this visa category to the extent that, now, comparatively few applicants are successful and the category is all …

Self-reporting of corporate bribery: know your prosecutor, be proactive and have a story to tell | Brodies

Legal Briefing

In this article we examine the key differences between the self-reporting initiative operated by the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Services (COPFS) in Scotland and the deferred prosecution regime now operating in the rest of the UK. Any business that uncovers corruption within the organisation should make sure it understands the differences between the two …

Fair Employment Practices – Building a Singaporean Core | Magrath Global

Legal Briefing

The Fair Consideration Framework (FCF) was introduced in Singapore in August 2014 with the aim of promoting fair employment practices. It requires employers to consider Singaporeans fairly for job vacancies and to provide them with equal employment opportunities based on merit. Under the FCF, it was noted that companies which have scope to improve their …

Brexit and dispute resolution – intra-UK and in the European Union | Brodies

Legal Briefing

The UK’s vote on 23 June 2016 to leave the European Union raises a wide variety of legal issues and questions. With the UK Government unlikely to trigger Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union until early 2017, and then at least a further two-year negotiation window to determine the future relationship between the …

GCs have arrived and all we have to welcome them are platitudes

Two books of note have just been published by veteran lawyers – The Inside Counsel Revolution: Resolving the Partner-Guardian Tension by former GE legal head Ben Heineman and The Future of the In-House Lawyer: The General Counsel Revolution, a collection of essays edited by Carillion’s Richard Tapp. The common ground is obvious in charting the …