Back to the drawing board

You wouldn’t mistake a lawyer for a designer. One is usually armed with a pen and a rulebook, the other with a Mac and a black turtleneck. Right? Wrong.

Real estate of the union

As Donald Trump once said, ‘real estate is always good’. Nearly $700bn changed hands in the commercial real estate market last year, proving that in times of uncertainty the safe money is on bricks and mortar. Brexit aside, London was seen as the safest bet of all, attracting over $23bn of new investment – $10bn …

Neil Murrin, trainline


The train puns were inevitable, but it took longer than expected. Towards the end of my conversation with the general counsel of online ticket retailer trainline, Neil Murrin, he says: ‘It’s a matter of getting people to join us on that journey.’ And adds: ‘Getting people on the right track and all that.’

Rushad Abadan, Standard Life Aberdeen


Rushad Abadan always knew what he wanted to do with his life. ‘I always fancied the idea of being a lawyer, even at school. I was one of those people who was very clear about their career path early on. Happily for me it worked out.’

Headline legal changes – what to expect in 2018 | Shoosmiths

Legal Briefing

Victoria Brett, client knowledge manager at Shoosmiths, provides a summary of some of the proposed legal changes relevant to commercial organisations anticipated in 2018. Freezing of chargeable gains  indexation allowance Companies disposing of assets after 2017 will be allowed to use an indexation allowance covering only the movement in RPI from the date of acquisition …

The GDPR will apply on 25 May 2018 – what should companies do to ensure compliance? | Hogan Lovells International LLP

Legal Briefing

In 1995, the European Union sought to improve the protection of personal data within the EU member states through introduction of the Data Protection Directive. In May 2018, the directive will be replaced by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This regulation will give individuals greater control over how their data is used, stored and …