
‘You will have to go out and find the women – they won’t come to you,’ warns Travers Smith partner Lucie Cawood when The in-House Lawyer began researching this cover feature. That proved an astute prediction.

Sarah Nelson Smith, Yum! Brands


In many ways it was ideal preparation. Before embarking on a legal career, Sarah Nelson Smith took a post-law school gap year working as a holiday rep in the popular Greek retreat of Halkidiki. It was an eye-opening experience, figuratively and literally, welcoming holidaymakers at unholy hours and dealing with bizarre questions and gripes.

The increasing enforcement of competition law: a sectoral snapshot | Brodies

Legal Briefing

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), the UK competition regulator, has had a busy few years since being created in 2014. It has imposed record fines for competition law infringements across a wide range of sectors, and secured its first director disqualifications and criminal conviction.

Recent competition law developments in Turkey: amendments to guidelines on vertical agreements | ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law

Legal Briefing

Article 4 of Law No 4054 on the Protection of Competition (Law No 4054) prohibits all agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices having (or that may have) as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within a Turkish product or services market or a part thereof. …

The upsurge of class action claims in Israel against multinational cartels | Goldfarb Seligman Law Offices

Legal Briefing

In recent years we have been witnessing a trend of filing class action claims in Israel following on decisions by foreign antitrust authorities and courts declaring the existence of cartels outside of Israel. In most instances, the plaintiff (or its attorney specialising in filing class actions) will identify a decision whereby parties to a foreign …

Ireland: recent developments in merger control and antitrust enforcement | Matheson

Legal Briefing

Ireland is one of the best countries in the world for ease of doing business, according to Forbes. The Irish regulatory environment is business focused and pragmatic. Companies deal with smaller regulatory teams, giving them and their advisers greater access to senior personnel. Competition is no exception. Matheson is the law firm of choice for …