Tumbling into crisis


Corporate crises are on the upswing. A faster-paced R&D cycle, improved but riskier technology, 24-hour news… the list of triggers goes on. But our understanding of such events has not always evolved at the same pace. We speak of a crisis as a single incident but, in reality, a chain reaction will likely ensue – …

Across boundaries


Alex Novarese, The In-House Lawyer: How do people feel about the service from law firms? Simon White, Cognizant: There are a lot of individuals I like a great deal but as institutions, I struggle with law firms as a concept. Alex Novarese: Because? Simon White: I work at a company that has a large legal …

The GC {Re}Defined | Morrison & Foerster

Legal Briefing

We live in an era of technological disruption where entire industries are being created, decimated, and reshaped. The same forces bringing about those transformations are also redefining roles in the C-suite – chief among them, the general counsel. The GC role has long been evolving from a purely legal function to one more integrated into …

Hot topics for credit institutions: MIFID II in Romania | EY Law

Legal Briefing

The long-awaited Romanian transposition of the EU Directive 2014/65 on markets in financial instruments (MIFID II, in force since January 2018) has started this summer with the enactment of two main pieces of legislation – (i) Law 126/ 2018 on markets in financial instruments (Romanian MIFID II Law), closely followed by (ii) Regulation 10-4/ 2018 …

Point break


Legal spend is the second-largest ‘cost centre’ for £21bn global banking giant Barclays. This tantalising statement is in the bank’s 2018 Request for Quotation document, sent to law firms ahead of its final panel review this year and seen by The In-House Lawyer. The document provides detail on what Barclays describes as this ‘sizeable’ legal …

More vision, less admin: putting data to work | Apperio

Legal Briefing

Technology is dramatically changing the practice of law. Big data, machine learning, smart contracts and artificial intelligence are all making the assimilation and interpretation of large amounts of unstructured data much easier. Some doom-mongers see this as the end of the traditional practice of law. We believe, rather, that the trend will be for legal …

The team in I


Nailing the issue of what makes a high-performing in-house function, with the emphasis on operational sophistication, has become the Holy Grail for general counsel.

Journey into the unknown


For general counsel struggling to manage the administrative and regulatory burdens of the role, a head of operations has become the must-have accessory. In the US, the growth of legal ops is demonstrated by statistics.