The view from Carter-Ruck

Legal Briefing

A letter from Carter-Ruck is something that every editor has learned to fear. As the potential precursor to a defamation action, the firm and its founding partner, Peter Carter-Ruck, became synonymous with libel thanks to their successful representation of numerous public figures – often prominent in business, politics, sport or entertainment.

Cities of the future

Legal Briefing

The We Company recently announced new ‘future cities initiatives’ which will combine technology, data and real estate to ‘help address problems spurred by globalisation, urbanisation and climate change.’ The project will involve a team of engineers, architects, data scientists and biologists.

State your intentions – first impressions on the revised Takeover Code

Legal Briefing

It has been a year since the Takeover Panel updated its rules regarding statements by an offeror company of its intentions for a target’s business. The first formal reports by offeror companies on whether they have complied with the new regime are beginning to filter through, so now seems an appropriate moment to analyse the …

Ashfords’ retail roundup

Legal Briefing

  Brand management Brands are one of the most valuable assets of any business. They act as ‘badges of origin’, distinguishing products and services of one business from those of competing businesses. They also impart a message to customers, acting as a guarantee of quality and authenticity. In this article, we consider five important aspects …

Not such a dark art

Legal Briefing

How do you define a corporate crisis? According to Dan Tench, dispute resolution partner at CMS, this is where a business finds itself at the centre of a media storm in a way that overwhelms its management and its operations. ‘The defining characteristic of a crisis of this type is that the legal and operational …

On this rock I build…


The In-House Lawyer met with DLA leader Simon Levine as he settles into his second term to talk legacy, succession and remaking the firm post-Nigel

Introductory Chapter – Product Liability: An evolving legal landscape

Legal Briefing

Introductory Chapter     Product Liability: An evolving legal landscape   In a world of driverless cars, electronic devices with speech and facial recognition and household appliances which can be activated remotely from a mobile phone, whether the current (decades old) product liability laws are still fit for purpose is a current hot topic. Of …

Legal 500 Cartels Guide: Corporate Compliance and Cartels

Legal Briefing

Compliance programmes are firmly back in the global spotlight when it comes to cartel enforcement in 2019. In Europe, the Italian competition authority recently published guidance outlining what it perceives to be the key elements of an effective antitrust compliance programme and formalising a process for granting a reduction in cartel fines where the right …

Product liability in Canada

Legal Briefing

By Sylvie Rodrigue Ad. E. and Grant Worden In Canada, the sale of pharmaceuticals and medical devices is regulated by Health Canada under the Food and Drug Act and Regulations and related legislation (Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act, SC 1997 c.6; Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, RSC 1985, c. C-38; Consumer Packaging and Labelling Regulations, …