Hugh Pugsley: HSBC


The banking giant’s UK law chief on retaining perspective, understanding your advisers and the value of mentors

Anna Cosgrave: Graze


The self-confessed fitness freak and head of legal on the allures of in-house law and healthy snacks

Significant matters – Spring 2019


Leading GCs push law firms to improve diversity efforts A group of 65 general counsel spanning major companies from the UK and Europe has collectively signed a letter urging law firms to improve their diversity efforts.

Data protection in Japan

Legal Briefing

In Japan, in cases of privacy violation or defamation, personal information/privacy was once protected mainly by injunctions or claims for damages based on tort law. However, the situation changed dramatically with the enactment of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (the APPI) in 2005. When large-scale leakage of personal information occurs, a number …

Top five strategy considerations for managing cross-border litigation

Legal Briefing

The increasingly rapid development, adoption, and proliferation of technology has put in motion a strong trend toward globalisation. As companies expand sales into new markets, they may find themselves facing litigation in more than one jurisdiction. This article provides five strategy considerations when facing cross-border litigation and explores potential pitfalls to avoid. Cross-border litigation can …