New legislation on genetically modified produce | Burges Salmon

Legal Briefing

The Debate over Genetically Modified organisms (GMOs) has been active for several years now. In 2005 the media regularly depicted protesters against GM trials. The debate may have largely subsided since then but it has risen again recently with news that scientists at Bristol and Liverpool universities have cracked the complete genetic code of wheat. …

New era in UK financial services regulation | The In-House Lawyer

Legal Briefing

The current recession has brought about significant changes in the UK financial services sector, ranging from a hardening of the public’s attitude towards financial institutions to the partial nationalisation of two of the largest banks in the world (at a cost of billions of pounds). The UK’s first coalition government for 70 years is making …

Rectification possible despite entire agreement clause | Cooley

Legal Briefing

Freedom of contract is a cornerstone of English contract law. It prevents parties that have struck bad or downright foolish bargains from obtaining judicial assistance when seeking to extricate themselves from their contracts. While courts are understandably loathe to intervene in poorly negotiated contracts, they do have the power to assist in cases of genuine …

Case of the vanishing millions | Wolf Theiss

Legal Briefing

ALTHOUGH you might expect to read the following story in a detective novel, it is in fact an abridged version of events that took place in Amsterdam in the spring of last year.

New guidance impacts on health-related inadmissibility | Magrath Sheldrick LLP

Legal Briefing

The US Immigration and Nationality Act (the Immigration Act) – the key federal law governing immigration and citizenship – is one of the more complex and frequently amended US statutes. Together with Title 8 of the Code of Federal Regulations, it contains the rules and regulations for entry to and exclusion from the US by …