Severe weather events present significant challenges for insurance market | Holman Fenwick Willan

Legal Briefing

The number and severity of natural disasters so far in 2011 is unprecedented: Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South and North America have all been hugely affected. This article looks at how the Australian insurance market has responded to losses as a result of the Queensland flooding and also look at how the London market is …

Practice issues taken from an ongoing civil trade mark infringement action in Saudi Arabia | Rouse

Legal Briefing

This article discusses a trade mark infringement case to illustrate several practical issues that are likely to be of interest to anyone involved in, or contemplating, trade mark action in Saudi Arabia. Although the case raises interesting issues of substantive law, these are better left for discussion when the final outcome of the case is …

Do we have an agreement? | The In-House Lawyer

Legal Briefing

An agreement will not be considered a legally binding contract unless the agreement is ‘complete’. However, an agreement will not always be deemed ‘incomplete’ simply because it is missing certain terms. In the recent decision of Karim Frederick Dhahani v Serge Crasnianski[2011], the High Court was asked to consider whether the parties had entered into …

Fishing from a jetty? Relevance and disclosure in property disputes | Berwin Leighton Paisner

Legal Briefing

A hypothetical transaction lies at the heart of most valuation exercises, whether a capital valuation or a rental valuation. The parties must address a negotiation on assumed facts, based on ground rules set out in the lease or other contract and in case law. An issue that presents itself is whether documents and information held …