The changing world of counterfeiting, part 1: strategies for the IP owner | Rouse

Legal Briefing

Ever since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008,
the world has been in a constant 
state of financial, social and political upheaval. The debt crisis has the European region on its knees; uprisings and unrest continue across the Middle East; China’s economy readies itself for a hard landing; the stagnant Japanese economy struggles under …

Can we claim privilege? | Macfarlanes

Legal Briefing

‘But I thought it was privileged!’ is a protest that litigation lawyers are used to hearing. Disclosure exercises inevitably raise complex questions about what is and is not privileged: and whenever the more nuanced and difficult questions arise, it is clear that the legal position as to what is, in fact, privileged is rarely as …

Interpreting commercial contracts: a plane task? | Edwards Wildman Palmer UK LLP

Legal Briefing

Where two large businesses contract, there is an assumption that they appreciate the consequences of the contractual wording adopted. In such circumstances courts tend to give effect to the literal meaning of those terms in a contract. In Gesner Investments Ltd v Bombardier Inc [2011] the Court of Appeal was asked to interpret the terms …

UCITS funds get a facelift in the Czech Republic | Wolf Theiss

Legal Briefing

Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS), are open-ended, regulated investment funds. Since their inception in 1985, UCITS have been regulated by Directive 85/611/EEC, known as UCITS I. UCITS I has been substantially amended several times, most importantly by Directive 2001/107/EC and Directive 2001/108/EC, these amendments generally being known as UCITS III.