Winding up petitions: the sharpest debt recovery tool in the box? | Druces LLP

Legal Briefing

As economic pressures continue to affect corporate Britain, companies are imposing their own austerity measures. As suppliers of goods and services, companies want to receive payment as soon as it is due, either in accordance with payment terms set out in their terms of business or within a reasonable time. On the other hand, as …

At your discretion | Macfarlanes

Legal Briefing

Commercial contracts may confer on one contracting party the discretion to take decisions that have an impact on the interests of the other party to the contract. This can give rise to questions of whether the decision maker owes any duties to the other contracting party and the extent to which the decision maker is …

How that tweet could end up costing your company more than you’ve budgeted for | Schillings

Legal Briefing

There is nothing new about the fact that how an employee behaves can have a serious impact on a company’s reputation; what has changed is that a company’s reputation can now be damaged via a variety of different social media sites as well as through traditional channels. As social networking interaction continues to grow, the …

Options in shares: a clear investment option? | Amarchand Mangaldas

Legal Briefing

The legality of put and call options in India is a subject of intense speculation. It became the subject of controversy when the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) recently treated ‘in-built options of any type’ as debt; not permissible as foreign direct investment, only to delete the investor-offending phrase without much ado, a …