The calm before 
the storm: are 
you prepared for 
a dawn raid? | WilmerHale

Legal Briefing

The start of a dawn raid is often the first time a company or individual learns that they are the subject of an investigation. Knowing what to do during the first minutes of a dawn raid is vital. Ensuring that a company’s receptionist, employees and senior management all know what role they have to play …

Rent in administration proceedings: a headache for landlords | Druces LLP

Legal Briefing

An important area of insolvency law – the liability of a company in administration to pay the rent under the lease of its premises – which until recently had been relatively clear and straight forward, is currently in an unsatisfactory state. This was not always the case, as, until quite recently, landlords and administrators could …

IPR enforcement on the internet: some useful guidelines | Rouse

Legal Briefing

Most established brand owners have long been savvy at intellectual property (IP) protection and enforcement when they find their intellectual property rights (IPR) infringed, whether it’s through unauthorised use of their trade marks or infringement of their copyright or design rights. 

Revisiting Bartoline | Macfarlanes

Legal Briefing

The decision in Bartoline v Royal Sun Alliance [2006] has some commentators arguing that the door has effectively been shut on recovering environmental liabilities under public liability (PL) policies. This article examines whether this is true; it looks at the legal principles in Bartoline, its impact on the environmental insurance market and the likely future …

Government immigration announcements 
not as they appear? | Magrath Sheldrick LLP

Legal Briefing

Last week, the government excitedly announced that ‘net migration had fallen by 36% in the year up to June 2012’. The claim was repeated on the BBC’s Question Time by Claire Perry MP, on the day of the Eastleigh by-election, in what was clearly a stage-managed announcement to try to snatch some last-minute votes from …

Inroads into party autonomy: arbitration clauses in agreements with telecom service providers | Amarchand Mangaldas

Legal Briefing

Arbitration, because of its nearly unfettered right of party autonomy, has become the agreed mode of dispute resolution between parties involved in commercial transactions. In India, arbitration laws underwent a marked change with the enactment of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 (the 1996 Act) that strove to bring speed, efficacy, informality and party autonomy …

The allure of ‘cool’ brands: reflections on branding in the 
fashion industry | Rouse

Legal Briefing

It’s six in the morning and the Mysore ‘self practice’ yoga class at Triyoga in London’s fashionable King’s Road is filling up. I am already in place, concentrating on my sun salutations. Well, that’s what I should be concentrating on. In fact, I’m concentrating on the fact that nearly everyone entering the room is wearing …