Behind the corporate veil: is that all there is? | Macfarlanes

Legal Briefing

That companies have an existence entirely separate to that of their shareholders and directors is a foundational principle of English law and commerce. But, however much historians and economists (and economic historians) may enjoy surveying the grand historical sweep of the development of trade and increasing prosperity, and the role of the company in that …

E-procurement for professional services, procure-manage-pay and the power of metrics | LSG

Legal Briefing

Technology is playing an increasingly prominent role in the world of vendor/supplier sourcing and procurement management. Recent advances in the world of electronic procurement and supplier management technology span many different industries. Leveraging buying power is a driving force in the use of procurement technologies. Small to medium-sized organisations may also take advantage of an …

Restoring environmental damage: putting a price on ecosystem services | Burges Salmon

Legal Briefing

On 7 August 2009 a 40-inch pipeline ruptured, spilling 5,400 cubic metres of crude oil into the soil and groundwater of La Crau nature reserve in southern France, a habitat protected under French and European law. The operator had to excavate and replace 60,000 tons of soil, install 70 wells to pump and treat groundwater …

New Immigration Bill, October 2013: cause for concern or appeasing public sentiment? | Magrath Sheldrick LLP

Legal Briefing

The year 2013 has seen a string of reforms to the immigration system by the current coalition government. On 10 October, the government published a Bill aimed at continuing its drive to reduce net migration figures. Immigration minister Mark Harper MP stated, ‘The government is determined to build a fairer system and address public concern …