Rent in administration proceedings: the Court of Appeal decision in Re Game Station | Druces LLP

Legal Briefing

For a long time the issue of rent payable by a corporate tenant in administration appeared to be settled1. Landlords were apparently content to accept that, when a tenant company went into administration, the rent owing under the lease at the date of the administration was an ordinary unsecured claim. For the period of the …

Sailing on the seven seas: international product liability perils
 | Shook, Hardy & Bacon

Legal Briefing

Today’s global economy presents both commercial opportunity and legal risk to producers. The vast majority of companies now trade on an international scale with design, manufacturing and distribution spanning the entire globe. However, international trade is not without risk where product liability is concerned. In this article, John Reynolds of Shook, Hardy & Bacon considers …

Damages for repudiatory breach of contract: don’t assume the worst | Cooley

Legal Briefing

When a party with which you have contracted informs you that they no longer intend to perform their obligations, this will amount to a repudiatory breach entitling you to terminate the agreement and seek damages. In such a case, you should be entitled to recover the amount that would put you in the same position …

Environmental compliance moving up the corporate agenda: new sentencing guideline | Burges Salmon

Legal Briefing

On 26 February 2014 the Sentencing Council published a new guideline for judges and magistrates on sentencing environmental offences. This guideline 
will take effect from 1 July 2014 and will apply to all individual offenders aged 18 or older and organisations that are sentenced on or after 1 July 2014, regardless of the date of …

Revised EU competition rules for technology licensing agreements took effect on 1 May 2014 | Arnold & Porter (UK) LLP

Legal Briefing

Companies involved in licensing agreements concerning patents, know-how and most types of copyrights that affect Europe have to comply with EU competition law rules on technology licensing agreements. The European Commission (the Commission) revised these rules on 27 March 2014 by publishing new versions of (i) the Technology Transfer Block Exemption Regulation (TTBER), which shields …

Collective actions in Europe | Shook, Hardy & Bacon

Legal Briefing

Collective actions can significantly increase litigation exposure for businesses. Progressively, collective action rules are being proposed and introduced in more jurisdictions. The last few months have seen steps at both European and national level towards the adoption of new legislation designed to facilitate actions for collective redress. Sarah Croft, of Shook Hardy & Bacon International, …

Landlord’s disrepair claims: essential guidance for tenants | Falcon Chambers

Legal Briefing

In a difficult lettings market, the 
expiry of a lease presents the landlord with 
the possibility of an income void lasting many months. It is unsurprising, therefore, that unscrupulous landlords sometimes regard a terminal dilapidations claim as a means of offsetting the leaner times ahead. What can a tenant – faced with a costly and …