This time it’s personal | Brodies

Legal Briefing

In certain organisations, ‘private client’ legal matters will raise important issues for lawyers and others who make decisions within their organisations, and are tasked with maintaining good governance of the organisation. The former generally arises in organisations that deal with financial matters for their clients; the latter where the business is family or owner-managed, as …

What level of warranty has been given in ambiguous contracts? | Cooley

Legal Briefing

An essential part of any engineering or construction contract will be the contractor’s warranties as to the quality and standard of the works to be performed. Warranties are contractual assurances 
that aim to apportion risk and liability between parties, and give rise to a claim for damages if breached. They are often key points of …

A difficult balance: keeping the lights on
 | Burges Salmon

Legal Briefing

Ensuring the security and quality of electricity supply across the GB transmission system is a huge challenge. The responsibility for this sits with National Grid by virtue of its Transmission Licence (granted pursuant to the Electricity Act 1989) and a series of codes, including the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC). An obligation to comply with …

Corporate crime, multiple enforcement actions and the rule of international double jeopardy | Bryan Cave

Legal Briefing

For most companies, doing business today more often than not involves some level of international dealing. Globalisation can be great for business. But conducting business internationally can mean being subject to the laws of several countries, as well as any national laws with extra-territorial effect for conduct overseas. Therefore, one act or omission by a …

The post-election immigration policy landscape | Magrath Sheldrick LLP

Legal Briefing

As the dust settles on the most unpredictable general election in decades, it appears that very little has in fact changed. The immigration policy landscape looks remarkably similar to the way it looked in April. Following endless discussions about coalitions, agreements, hung parliaments and pacts, the Conservatives now have an overall parliamentary majority and have …

Rent free fitting out periods and s34 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 | Falcon Chambers

Legal Briefing

On initial lettings of commercial property it is standard market practice to allow the tenant an initial fitting out allowance, generally by way of a rent 
free period. This rent free period is intended, in theory, to reflect the tenant’s time and expense incurred in fitting out the premises but is rarely calculated by reference …

Contractual discretion: how should it be exercised? | Cooley

Legal Briefing

Contractual terms granting discretion for a party to determine unilaterally the outcome of a matter in prescribed circumstances are not an uncommon feature in commercial contracts. In fact, such clauses can be immeasurably helpful in enabling the contracting parties to operate on a day-to-day basis without the need to refer continually to the other for …

The 2015 election and its environmental and energy implications: change or continuity? | Burges Salmon

Legal Briefing

With environmental considerations playing an increasingly important role in our everyday lives, it is perhaps surprising that, aside from the Green Party agenda, the sphere of environmental and energy policy took a relative back seat in the lead up to the 7 May 2015 general election. As the dust from the election settles, however, it …