2016 trends in dispute resolution: abuse of dominance litigation for consumer-facing TMT companies | Bryan Cave

Legal Briefing

The idea of masses of consumers galloping after shares of companies’ profits for anti-competitive behaviour has probably not been one which has been keeping corporate counsel awake at night. But the combination of (1) the new Consumer Rights Act; (2) a mature litigation funding market; and (3) the developing nature of antitrust enforcement, makes for …

If you can’t beat them, join them: how and when to take on social media | Macfarlanes

Legal Briefing

Warren Buffett famously said that: ‘It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.’ If anything, that underestimates the speed at which events move in the digital age. Significant, and sometimes irreparable, damage can be done in the time it takes to post an ill-judged tweet. This article provides a …

Commercial dispute resolution clauses: be amicable or be friendly? | Pinsent Masons

Legal Briefing

Where an agreement has an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) clause, it frequently has either a simple ADR clause or ‘escalation’ clauses (sometimes called ‘tiered’ or ‘stepped’ clauses). Then, where a commercial dispute arises, the parties to such an agreement are usually required to try to negotiate a settlement to the dispute. This could involve a …

Antitrust treatment of online advertising markets | Shearman & Sterling

Legal Briefing

As online advertising continues its rapid growth, online ad revenues become an ever more important opportunity (and/or threat) for many TMT businesses. How these growing markets are treated by antitrust agencies can be critical to strategy – either in terms of M&A or defending business models from the actions of other market participants. This article …