Energy storage – the answer to the UK’s power trilemma? | Brodies

Legal Briefing

Unsurprisingly, one of the hot topics of the moment is energy storage. As anyone connected with the energy industry is aware, the prospects for decarbonising our electricity system at the same time as ensuring secure and affordable energy seem to be reaching further into the future. Addressing the so-called ‘trilemma’ of decarbonisation, security of supply …

A time of change for Scotland’s constitution | Brodies

Legal Briefing

It has been a busy time for Scotland’s constitution. No sooner was the 2014 independence referendum out of the way than the debates and arguments began on new powers for the Scottish parliament. That debate resulted in the Scotland Act 2016, passed shortly before May’s Scottish parliament election.

GCs have scraped a seat at the table but too many are wasting the opportunity

Paul Gilbert argues too many corporate counsel fail to seize the risk agenda. Barclays, Volkswagen and Tesco are three massive businesses in three significant, sophisticated and important business sectors. Each one of these successful and long-lived businesses has access to significant in-house legal expertise, each is capable of paying for the best legal advice money …

Profile: Tom Melbye Eide, Royal Dutch Shell

As BG Group general counsel, and now executive vice president and GC for Royal Dutch Shell’s upstream business, Tom Melbye Eide has an enviable addition to his CV, considering his lead role in BG’s £47bn acquisition by Shell, the world’s second-biggest energy deal on record, which completed last month.