Corporate governance in Switzerland: new ESG disclosure rules, gender quotas and related developments | Bär & Karrer AG

Legal Briefing

In our article, we will highlight recent developments and key issues for corporate governance in Switzerland. Several developments are driven by the new corporate law reform that has been passed last year. This includes a new gender quota, fine-tuning of executive compensation regulation, and other corporate governance topics. In addition, we will discuss the new …

Corporate governance in Mexico: overview and trends 2021 | Deloitte Legal

Legal Briefing

Adapting Mexican corporate governance policy related to new market realities would need corporate law reform with the backing of enforcement. Nevertheless, certain local instruments – which lack binding force and which may, at best, fit in the category of ‘soft law’ – attempt to direct corporate practices through a voluntary approach. This is the case …

Compliance programmes – why it pays to be up to scratch | Steptoe & Johnson

Legal Briefing

While in-house lawyers were struggling during 2020 to deal remotely with the myriad commercial crises affecting their company, financial crime prosecutors globally were continuing to raise the bar on company compliance programmes – signalling repeatedly that any company seeking a reduced penalty or other form of leniency following a compliance incident would need to demonstrate …

Combatting transnational white-collar crime: mutual legal assistance and international co-operation | WongPartnership

Legal Briefing

In our increasingly globalised world, crime and in particular white-collar crime often traverse multiple jurisdictions, involving persons from all over the globe. With a few clicks of a button, the technology that connects our world can also facilitate the concealment, manipulation and dissipation of assets, information and documents. This makes such crimes difficult to detect, …

Recent shifts in India’s anti-bribery and anti-corruption strategy | IndusLaw

Legal Briefing

It is an undeniable truth that the regulatory framework and law in relation to anti-corruption in India has undergone a significant change in the last couple of years. Considerable amendments have been made that have tightened disclosure requirements in the light of swelling number of financial frauds in India. To that end, the government of …

New Portuguese powers to seize criminal spoils – a dangerous game | Rogério Alves 
& Associados

Legal Briefing

As the level of sophistication of economic crime has evolved and increased, there has been a growing need to streamline the mechanisms for confiscating its benefits, thus eliminating its economic incentive and inculcating the idea that ‘crime does not pay’. The law went beyond a strict definition of white-collar crime and entered what is seen …